Weather and Hiking Conditions in Nuuksio National Park

Nuuksio National Park’s current conditions, weather forecasts and monthly guide for planning hikes in the national park.

Current Conditions on March 5th 2025

Season: late winter to early spring
Trail conditions: wet, ice
Snow: no
Lakes: frozen but ice has started to melt
Berries: no
Mushrooms: no
Biting insects: no


Can be seen: few birds and footprints of different animals on the snow
Hiding during day: flying squirrel, owl, moose, lynx, fox, deer and many others

Weather Forecast

Finland has two major weather forecast services: public Finnish Meteorological Institute and commercial Foreca. They are pretty equal but there can be small differences. I usually check them both if the forecast is on the border of could rain, could be nice.

Nuuksio National Park’s weather forecast on Finnish Meteorological Institute

Nuuksio National Park’s weather forecast on Foreca

Monthly Weather Conditions and Seasonal Nature

Seasonal changes are great in Finland. Here around Helsinki the yearly temperature range can be from -30 C to +30 C. Rain and snowing can happen every other day, there is no dry or rainy season, it changes daily. Changes in the nature are also significant, from having over 50 cm of snow to hot summer days with mosquitoes.

Here’s a monthly breakdown with typical conditions, but remember there are yearly differences.


Nuuksio National Park in winter
Winter. Snow on the ground and lakes are frozen. Trails are snow or ice covered, you might need snowshoes to go outside the trails. Walking on the lake ice is sometimes possible. Can be winter wonderland.

Temperatures between -20 C to 0 C.


Nuuksio National Park snowshoe in winter
Winter. Snow on the ground and lakes are frozen. Trails are snow or ice covered, you might need snowshoes to go outside the main trails. Walking on the lake ice is usually possible.

Temperatures between -20 C to 0 C.


Nuuksio National Park snowshoe in winter
Winter. Snow on the ground and lakes are frozen. Trails are snow or ice covered, you might need snowshoes to go outside the main trails. Walking on the lake ice is usually possible.

Temperatures between -15 C to +5 C.


Nuuksio National Park in spring in April
End of winter to early spring. Some snow on the ground and lakes are frozen at the beginning of April, by the end snow has melted and lakes are open or partly frozen. On the first half trails are snow or ice covered and by the end it’s mostly summer trails. You might need icespikes at the beginning and at the end waterproof shoes or even running shoes might be OK.

Temperatures between 0 C to +10 C.


Nuuksio National Park in spring, in May
Spring. First flowers start blooming, new leaves are opening. Lakes are open but water is really cold, by the end of the month waters will be okeyish for swimming. The forest is full of birds singing. Summer conditions on the trails. No biting insect at the beginning of the month, first mosquitoes and blackflies appear on the latter half.

Temperatures between +5 C to +20 C.


Nuuksio National Park in summer
End of spring to summer. Early June is full of new, light green leaves before they all turn dark green later in the summer. Nights don’t get dark. The forest is full of life. Swimming in the lakes start being nice on the latter half. Summer conditions on the trails. Mosquitoes and blackflies, usually the worst at around midsummer.

Temperatures between +10 C to +25 C.


Nuuksio National Park in summer in July
Summer. Often the best of summer, when most Finnish people have their summer holidays. Nights don’t get dark. Swimming in the lakes is lovely. Summer conditions on the trails. Mosquitoes and horse flies, blackflies start going away, but on hot and dry summer there might be no biting insects. First blueberries are ripe at around mid-July. Mushroom season depends on rain.

Temperatures between +15 C to +25 C.


Nuuksio National Park in summer in August
Summer. Best of summer continues. Nights start getting dark. Swimming in the lakes is lovely. Most locals are back to work and schools start by mid-August, so the weekdays are quieter in national parks. Summer conditions on the trails. Biting insects start to disappear, though there can still be some. Blueberries are ripe. Mushrooms if it’s rainy.

Temperatures between +15 C to +25 C.


Nuuksio National Park mushrooms in fall
End of summer to beginning of fall. First half of September is still mostly summer but by the end leaves start changing color, nights get longer and temperatures get cooler. Lake waters start turning cold with the cooler nights. Summer conditions on the trails. Most biting insects have disappeared. Still some blueberries, lingonberries are ripe. Best and most guaranteed time for mushrooms.

Temperatures between +5 C to +20 C.


Fall colors in Nuuksio National Park
Fall. Best fall colours usually at around mid-October. Leaves start falling from trees. Air feels super fresh to breath thanks to the colder nights. Lakes are cold. Wet summer conditions on the trails. Lingonberries are ripe. Best and most guaranteed time for mushrooms.

Temperatures between -5 C to +10 C.


Nuuksio National Park in November
Fall to winter. Very quiet in nature and in national parks, nobody else there on weekdays. Feels like the world goes to sleep for winter. Shorter days. Lakes are very cold. Wet summer conditions on the trails on the first half, can be snow on the latter half.

Temperatures between -10 C to +5 C.


Nuuksio National Park in winter
Fall to winter depending on the year. On good years December is winter with snow and cold weather, on warmer years it’s an extension of November. Very quiet and short days. Lakes are starting to freeze. Trails are something from wet summer conditions, frozen ground and ice to lot’s of snow. You might need snowshoes to go outside the trails. Can be winter wonderland with good snowfall.

Temperatures between -15 C to +5 C.

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