Privacy Policy
My privacy policy follows the rules from EU regulations and the Finnish legislation.
This site doesn’t use third party cookies or other methods to track the user, like Facebook or Google tracking. You’re welcome.
Jump to read how I use cookies.
Data Controller
Finnish Friend
Kaarelantie 6b A 13
00430 Helsinki
Mikko Sinisalo
+358 40 741 9307
Reason for Collecting and Using Information
I collect your information to be able to provide the service you are booking. I use your name to identify you, I use your email address for sending booking information, receipt and photographs of you, and I use your phone number for last minute contact, if I need to contact you right before your booked time.
We have an agreement when you make a booking, and therefore I can use your information to provide my service.
Lawfulness for using your information is based on the EU general data protection regulation 2016/679, article 6.1.b.
Finnish Friend: all your information for providing the service you have booked.
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.: payment services, payment card details and email address for the receipt. The email address will not be used for anything else.
Duration of Data Storage
Your data is stored to the date you have booked, and will be deleted three months after the date you have used my service.
Data used for spam check is not stored.
Your Rights
You have a legal right to:
- Inspect the data collected concerning you
- Request the correction or deletion of your personal data
- Limit the use of your information
- Object the use of your information
- Request moving your data to another system
Contact me for the actions you require.
Complaint to Authority
You have a right to make a complaint of the use of your information to the supervising authority. EU citizens should first contact your own states authority for privacy protection, people outside EU or EU citizens who want to make the complaint to Finnish authority need to contact:
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto
PL 800, 00521 Helsinki
Requirement for Personal Information
You will need to provide your personal information for us to make a booking contract. You can’t make a booking without providing your information.
All information on the booking form are required for making a booking, apart from those that say “optional”.
If you want to make a booking without giving personal information, please contact me.
Automatic Processing of Your Data
Your data is automatically processed for spam check, on the same server with this website, in Finland. There is no other decision-making or profiling made from your data.
Your information is acquired through secured SSL connection and stored information is protected from both physical and online theft.
Cookies and Third Party Services
This website doesn’t use cookies or third party services for collecting user data or for tracking the user.
You can find cookies from Litespeed labeled litespeed or lschache. Litespeed is a caching system for a website, it makes the pages load faster, and the cookies are used to know whether your system should load a fresh page or use the same data you loaded recently.
Ask Me Anything
If you have any questions, contact me.
For Something Else
Go to the home page and read about my guided tours from Helsinki.
Read frequently asked questions about Nuuksio National Park.
See my photos from Nuuksio National Park.
Read my blog for things about Finland and Nuuksio National Park.