Hiking and Camping Course for Beginners in Finland

Learn to hike and camp on this private course in Nuuksio National Park. Includes everything from transport to food and all camping gear. 2 days.

We can also combine this course to a camping trip at Repovesi. Make a booking for Repovesi and mention course in the additional details.

 Reasons to Choose This Camping Course

Private for you or with your friends. Course adapts for you and we can concentrate specifically on the things you’re uncertain of.

You’ll get help choosing gear before and after the course. Just send me a message through email or WhatsApp and we can see what suits your need and budget.

You get to see the remote side of Nuuksio National Park and actually practice finding your way through there. We don’t use main trails with signs.

The course includes everything you need and I can accommodate every diet.

Customer Reviews

Kiva parin päivän vaelluskurssi Mikon opastuksella Nuuksiossa lokakuussa. Hyvä tapa tutustua vaeltamiseen ja mukavaa seuraa. Varusteita saa lainaan, joten myös helppo lähteä. Suosittelen!
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Vietettiin aivan mahtavat kaksi päivää ja yksi yö Nuuksiossa Mikon kanssa. Oli hienoa saada niin asiantunteva opas mukaan vaellukselle, joka toimi sekä opettajana että kävelevänä vaeltamisen Wikipediana. Reissu oli todella hyvin organisoitu, aikataulut pitivät, meidän toiveet otettiin erittäin hyvin huomioon, ruoka oli erinomaista, varusteet laadukkaat ja hintakin kohtuullinen. Ei voi kuin suositella!
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Destination: Nuuksio National Park near Helsinki

Group size: private, 1 to 3 plus guide

Availability: summer season, April to November

Duration: 2 days

Transport: pickup from your accommodation anywhere in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, travel time from Helsinki is around 40 minutes

Start and end time: when you want

Daily hiking distance: according to your wishes, from 1 to 20 km

Food and drinks: includes everything you need on the trip (inform of allergies or diets when booking)

Hiking gear and clothing: includes all the gear and clothing for every weather (fits approx. 150-195 cm tall, shoe sizes 36-47)

What you need to have: clothes against your skin, toothbrush, personal medication and hygiene products



For one: 390 €

For two: 480 € (240 € / person)

For three: 660 € (220 € / person)

Includes VAT


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Nuuksio National Park Partner

Partner of Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland


  Who’s This For

No experience of camping or very little.

You don’t own camping gear and you don’t know what you should get.

You don’t know how to use the gear.

You want to hike and camp in three season conditions (from spring to fall).

You want to be able to hike by yourself.

Being in nature is the most important thing, you don’t want to carry a heavy backpack.

You want to have lightweight gear because you’re small, with physical limitations, you want to hike long distances, or you’re like me and you’d rather carry a lighter backpack.


Hiking with camping, or backpacking, is in principle very simple activity: walking in nature.

But what does it require to be able to walk in nature for several days, a week or a month without outside help?

That’s the question this course gives an answer to.

I want hiking to be comfortable. For me hiking is first and foremost about spending time in nature and having real experiences of the world, and a journey to inner peace.

I have to carry everything I need with me in a backpack, so I want my gear to be light. I don’t want to have a heavy backpack ruining my enjoyment of being in nature. You always need certain gear for hiking and camping, but choosing them makes a big difference. For a week long hike do you want your backpack to weigh 10 kilos or 20? I know my answer and I know what happens to a beginner if they just walk in to a local shop and buy the traditional gear.

When all the different aspects of hiking are under control and you know what you’re doing, hiking becomes comfortable and you can enjoy all the experiences with no care on your mind. The world can turn around us in any way for as long as we have food, dry in a tent and warm in a sleeping bag. Then everything is fine.

From my experience others have enjoyed being in nature with how I do things. I’ve started hiking alone so I know what kind of help is the most useful, and that’s why I want to share my skills and knowledge on this course.


  Course Program

Notice there isn’t a strict schedule on the course, it’s over when we’ve dealt all the topics. We’ll spend two relaxed days in nature.

Transport to course destination, I’ll pick you up from your accommodation.

Borrow outdoor clothing and gear

Clothing, shoes and other gear you might need in every weather. You only need to have clothing you’re comfortable to get in to my car. You can change clothing in a warm place.

Gear and clothing you can borrow:

  • Waterproof jacket and trousers, shoes, gloves and a hat so that you’ll stay dry.
  • Warm jacket, fleece, trousers, socks, gloves, beanie and a scarf for cold weather.
  • Waterproof backpack for gear, clothing, food and your own stuff.
  • Tent, sleeping bag and pad, pillow to sleep comfortably.
  • Cap, socks, headtorch, towel, mosquito headnet and repellent.
  • Hiking poles.

Walk into nature.

Get to know maps and how to orienteer with a compass and your own eyes.

We’ll go through all the gear and what’s important in every piece. I mean everything from underwear to what’s in a first aid kit. All the important bits you’ll later find in my gear list.

Everybody hikes, so:

  • Carries a backpack.
  • Finds their way to a campsite.
  • Eats snacks.
  • Sets up camp.
  • Get’s a feeling for living in a tent.
  • Cooks dinner with hiking stove (and does the dishes).
  • Sleeps in a tent.
  • Takes down the camp and packs their backpacks.

Learn meta skills so all the small things that make hiking enjoyable and safe.

Ask all the time about everything you have on your mind about hiking and camping.

Transport back to your accommodation.


After the course:

You’ll get my gear and food list in email.

Buy your own gear with my gear list and you can ask me for help and opinions on WhatsApp or email.


 What You Get

  • You get to try my gear, the same ones I use from Nuuksio to Lapland. You’ll carry a backpack with all the gear in it, set up tent, cook food on hiking stove, pack the backpack, and do everything else that you need to do on a multiday hike.
  • We’ll go through every piece of gear I take with me.
  • What gear you need to have and why.
  • What’s important with every specific gear.
  • Personal help choosing your own gear.
  • Gear list that has everything I pack for a three season hike in Lapland. You can fill your own gear in it and it’ll calculate your backpack’s weight.
  • Information about hiking food, what’s important, what works and is easy.
  • List of food I typically use, which you also eat on the course, their amounts and calories, and the list calculates carbohydrates, protein and fats.
  • Orienteering basic skills.
  • Hiking and camping meta skills, like choosing campsite, how to get drinking water, going to “toilet”, hygiene and washing, fording streams, how to recognise when you get tired, how to deal with blisters and avoiding accidents.
  • You’ll save more than the price of the course by knowing what to buy and where to save money.


But What If It Rains on the Course Days?

If you start hiking you will someday hike in rain too.

  1. You can borrow shell clothes for free.
  2. The way you do things when it rains is a lot more important than when it’s dry, so that you don’t get your gear wet and so that you’ll stay comfortable. Doing the course when it rains makes you learn these things in reality.


Camping in Nuuksio National Park on beginners camping course
Hiking skills are not only for Lapland, they’re also useful for overnight trips in your local national parks.
Hiking with lightweight backpack
In this backpack is everything one needs on hikes in Lapland from summer to fall, with food for 5 days. This weighs only 10 kilograms!
Home in nature when camping
My home in nature.
Learn to camp and go see the northern lights
This wonder is worth experiencing in Lapland: camping in a tent under the northern lights.
Camping in a lean-to shelter
Backpacking isn’t always about sleeping in a tent. Here in Finland we have very good free lean-tos and wilderness huts that everybody can use, like this place in Hossa.
Mikko Sinisalo's adventure in Lapland, hiking the Nordkalottruta/Nordkalottleden and a bit more.
My Kalotti 2011 hike: 1200 kilometres and 86 nights camping the whole way. Nordkalottruta from Sulitjelma to Kautokeino, and from there to Sandfjord on my own trails.
Adventures in nature, from Southern Finland to Lapland, in national parks and in wilderness. Finland, Sweden, Norway.
Backpacking memories from Sweden, Norway, Koli and Hossa National Parks and from Porkkalanniemi.
Adventures in nature, from Southern Finland to Lapland, in national parks and in wilderness. Finland, Sweden, Norway.
More memories from adventures in Lapland. You’ll experience many amazing things when you spend time outdoors.

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Ask Anything About Beginners Hiking Course

Contact through WhatsApp, tap here or send to +358407419307


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